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Dr. Asad Lesani and Ian Boyd, the visionary co-founders behind, embarked on a transformative collaboration with Philip Lassner, the adept Managing Director of PLC, sparked by a fortuitous connection through a mutual associate at NVIDIA. The genesis of this partnership traces back to's inaugural Proof of Concept (POC) venture in 2019. With a strategic move, Philip assumed the mantle of Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), igniting an ambitious drive to propel the business toward expansion and scalability.

Initially, the strategic horizon encompassed a North American expansion, resulting in triumphant deployments across the United States and Canada. The impressive trajectory of garnered the interest of our esteemed partner, Velodyne Lidar, the preferred supplier, culminating in a substantial investment in Consequently, Velodyne Lidar secured exclusive sales rights across North America.

Yet, with an astute outlook, Philip and the team discerned the imperative to pivot the strategy, not only as a prudent measure in case of any shifts in the Velodyne Lidar partnership but also to elevate the company's intrinsic value on a global stage. This strategic shift bore fruitful outcomes, as thrived across Europe, the Middle East, and Australia.

In the wake of this triumphant growth phase, the trajectory culminated in the acquisition of by Velodyne Lidar. The concerted efforts of Philip and PLC played an instrumental role in the acceleration of's trajectory, etching a legacy of exponential growth and increased value for the company.

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